Friday, February 24, 2023

The Wilde Legacy 2.7: Getting Along

Hello! Welcome back to The Wilde Legacy! Finally! There were no updates forever because we didn't have internet, but The Wilde's have returned! Last time, the family went out and enjoyed the summer festival and Elliott and Emery grew up into teenagers. We're gonna pick up right where we left off!

Emery: Just because I'm a teen now, doesn't mean I'm going to get a job.

Reminder that Emery added Flirty to her traits of Insane, Loves The Heat, and Rebellious.

Elliott: ):

And Elliott added Grumpy to his traits of Hates The Outdoors, Light Sleeper, and No Sense Of Humor.

Immediately after the twins aged up, I got a notice that prom would be happening on Monday! They've got the weekend to try and find dates!

Cody and Angie rush off to work.

Bambi Aron: Omg, the beautiful Angie Wilde!

Bambi came to fix the toilet. I like her face.

I send Emery and Elliott out on the town so they can find some teens to meet. Then I remember that it's Friday, so all the teens are in school.

Lynda Koel: That is an interesting tree.

She's one of Sim!Mariah's kids.

There were still a few sims hanging around here though.

Emery: I'm telling you, the gnomes had something to do with grandpas death!

Emery is speaking madness  😆

Elliott: Em, this is still a sore subject, so I'd prefer that you didn't throw your insane mannerisms on it.

Emery: Whatever, bro. But when the revolution comes, I'll be ready.

Elliott: I can't believe my sister is such a loon.

Halden is not happy to be doing his homework!

Halden: No one told me the 1st grade would be this difficult!

Fern entered the hospital as Cody's shift ended.

Cody: I cant be stopped!

Cody gets another promotion! He's level 6 now. Downside is, now his shift is from 7 pm to 3 am.

Fern: Hey guys. I just had a baby, that's all.

Fern: Look at my son!

Say hello to Tucker Wilde! Barely born and I already love him, just because he's Fern's 💓 Can't wait to see him grow up!

Halden: I have to think of something that rhymes with fish for this question.

Elliott: Enjoy the easy questions while you can. Soon you'll have to answer who has the largest economy and what's the highest point in the Balkans! This is baby stuff!

Emery decided it was most appropriate to wear her formal wear to dinner tonight.

Cody didn't appreciate it.

Cody: Why is her dress so tight? Tell her to change!

Calm down, she looks perfectly fine in that dress.

Cody opted to stand and face the wall to eat his dinner 😂

I guess he'd rather stare at his face than have to see Emery in her dress.

Cody: Well, I am nice to look at.

Elliott: Wooaaahh!

Hot and sour soup will do that to you.

Elliott: You didn't see that, dad.

Emery: Fool! He clearly saw what you did. If he didn't, the gnomes in his head would've alerted him!

Emery: Do you think anyone is going to ask me to prom, dad?

Emery: If I don't get a date, then I'll never get married and will die sad and alone, with only the voices to keep me company!

Emery: Dad, are you even listening to me?

Cody: Yeehaw!

Elliott: I heard you got promoted, Dad. Congratulations on all your hard work!

Elliott: I just wanted to say that you're a hard worker and a great father!

Emery: What a kiss-up.

Angie's having trouble with her trick-shot.

Angie: Have mercy!

Angie is always trying something or other on this pool table.

And then I got a notice that Fern and Olivia Croft were screaming at each other over the love of the casanova. She was the old woman Cody was talking to when Tucker was born.

Cody rolled a wish to read Halden to sleep, and of course I had to let him do it :)

Cody: Then our brave hero rescued the city and everyone in it!

It didn't take long before the little one was asleep.

Cody: Tomorrow is another day.

Guess who woke up with mood swings this morning!

I let her booby trap the chair to ease her mood.

Emery: I would've booby trapped the computer if it wasn't broken.

Just a pic of Ancha. He hadn't showed up in the chapter yet!

Look at these too, looking just like each other.

Emery: Win, Mom! I'm on your side!

Elliott: I can beat her, if only these clouds would get out of my way!

Handsome boys! Smiling faces this morning!

It's Saturday, so I'm sending the family out for the day! Gonna try to lure out some teens for the twins to meet!

They go to the community gardens, because I've actually never been here before. I didn't even know there was a community garden!

Well, well, well. No teens, but Brooke and her family decided to come out to the gardens! I guess they're trying to enjoy the last day of Summer as well. Everyone minus Gayle and baby Debra showed up.

Juan immediately sits down to do his homework.

Brooke: My horoscope said I would run into familiar faces today!

I love when the family is all together :)

Elliott autonomously shoots a text to Gayle, probably asking where she is.

Elliott: This is family time! She should be here!

Skip asked Angie to play catch. They've actually become good friends!

Brooke: We've raised good funds this year. But, your work is never done as the mayor! Riverview still needs me!

Cody: I'm definitely voting for you next term. You're the best!

Brooke is the best. I still miss having her around the house sometimes.

Halden: Stop! I can't breathe!

Andrea: I've got you now!

They've been playing tag this whole time. Halden is already best friends with his cousin :)

Get your homework done and you can play too, bb!

Brooke: Juan is a smart kid, he just doesn't manage his time well. He hates doing his homework!

Brooke: And Andrea is a Bookworm! She loves to read and do her homework!

Cody: Gayle is my favorite niece! The gnomes tell me she's doing well in school.

Brooke: Gayle is a good girl, she does what she's supposed to do. Just your average teenager!

Elliott is boring his sister to death.

He actually put her to sleep!

Elliott: It wasn't that boring.

He hops onto his phone instead.

He freakin' dropped it.

Guess who has a cracked screen that I'm not replacing? This feels familiar!

He goes right back to texting. This boy... Too bad Elaina Shallow already has a boyfriend.

Skip: You have the most beautiful lips in all of Riverview!

Brooke: Oh, Skip!

Skip: I've been wanting to show you this cool video I saw!

Brooke: Hm?

Brooke: Ugh!

Skip: Heh heh.

Brooke: Skip, you disgust me!

True love.

Elliott: My younger cousins are adorable.

Indeed, they are. Brooke's children wouldn't be anything less!

Eventually, it's time to head home. I guess Brooke and family decided to show up because they live close enough to walk.

I got a notice that Fern was flirting with a guy named Julian Richards, so I went to see what was going on.

Not too bad looking! And he's not twice her age! I approve!

Fern: He does play guitar pretty well!

Maybe Tucker will have a younger sibling in the future?

I guess Gayle was too busy hanging out with her friend over here to come to the park earlier.

Emery is spending time with Ancha. She also set another trap while I wasn't looking 😆 

He thanks her with kisses. Aww, Ancha!

This is the first time anyone but Angie has used the pool table!

Gayle ended up calling Emery later that evening, so they got to talk anyway!

Elliott: I still don't have a date for the prom.

We still have Sunday and Monday to look! I've never had teens so obsessed with finding prom dates before!

Summer ends and so does this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it, it's been awhile since I wrote anything 😅 I promise there wont be such a huge gap between chapters this time! Next time you see the Wilde's, it'll be 2018! Happy Holidays everybody, and a Happy New Year!

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