Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Wilde Legacy 2.1: Little Ones

Welcome back to The Wilde Legacy! Angie is on the cover two times in a row! Last time: Cody and Angie became husband and wife! And became pregnant! Also, both Cecily and Billy became elders. Angie went into labor in the middle of our Gift Giving party and gave birth to twins! We welcomed Elliott and Emery into the family :) And I remembered to put Angie's favorite music this time! It's Geek Rock.

Angie: I have two beautiful babies!

Yes you do!

Cecily: Oh great plumbob!

Don't fret, you can fix it!

Cody is off to his first day of work!

Billy is showing his granddaughter some love.

Cecily prepares breakfast, as usual.

Angie: Ancha!

Ancha: I'm showing you affection!

Angie: Oops. I hear babies crying. Mama's coming!

Angie: There you go, Elliott!

I didn't even realize Angie had a laptop in her inventory. I also had Cecily invest in the bookstore! 1,000 simoleons every Friday!

I still don't know what makes her stand like that. Is it her Disciplined trait?

Cody's back!

Babies are needy and boring, but I love 'em.

Angie: Should me and Cody have more children?


Angie: I think six would be a good amount!

Not that many children.

Paparazzi: Angie Wilde is seen taking out the trash! More at 7.

Another night goes by.

Looks like it's time for a birthday!

Emery is up first!

Look at her! Those cheeks! She looks just like Angie apart from hair and skin color.

Elliott's turn!

Aww, cutie! A clone of Angie, though. He didn't grow up with the freckles, but I gave them to him anyway.

Emery heads straight for the toy box!

Emery: Bunny!

Both babies got Angie's beautiful blue eyes. I love them.

Billy: I just sold a painting for over 1,000 simoleons!

Also, Brooke gave birth to her first son! His name is Juan.

The teaching of skills begin!

Cody: Thank you for giving me beautiful children!

I got the Gen 1 heir and spouse portraits! I don't think I mentioned it before, but I just take pictures of the heir instead of painting them. It's too tedious to have an artist every generation trying to get to level 7 of painting just to paint a couple of portraits. It's 2017, just take a pic with your cellphone and call it a day 😆 I already had Cecily's and Billy's up, as you might have noticed.

Emery is a fast learner. First day of being a toddler and she already knows how to talk!

Angie: You're gonna be a chatty one, aren't you, my little blossom?

On to the potty training!

Cecily: Anymore babies and we might need to get a bigger house!

I'm thinking about it...

Toddlers are in bed before the moon is much farther across the sky.

Winter is nice and all, but I'm ready for Spring. At least Emery and Elliott won't have to go through what their father and aunts went through, never going to school because of the snow!

Just some close ups so you can get a really good look at their precious little faces.

Then comes the screaming.

Elliott: Mooooooommmmyyyy!

Elliott: Mommy? Food?

Angie: Here you go, duckling.

Elliott: I am content.

Billy is standing here looking dapper with his cane.

Until Ancha came to bother him!

Billy: Get it, Ancha! Get it!

Cody: I'm working very hard and I haven't been promoted yet? It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

Cody: I think my boss is a gnome in disguise. I've got proof! Wanna see?

Angie: Maybe later, love.

Cody: And how are you doing this morning, blossom?

Emery: Daddy!

Just look at the baby! <3

Emery begins learning how to walk!

Cecily: Is that all you got, old man?

Billy: I call this the big slugger!

Parents are relaxing while babies nap.

I decide it's time Cecily retired. She's done her job.

Cecily: I'm retiring. It's time for the younger chefs to step up to the plate!


Cody: Great job, Mother!

Cecily: I did do a great job, didn't I?

Angie: Hooray!

Billy immediately rolled a wish to woohoo with Cecily after she retired 😆

There are time where I'm leaning towards Emery, and times where I'm leaning towards Elliott. I've still got time to choose!

Time for bed!

I spotted that mutt that was destroying my carpet wandering the streets that night.

It's Spriiiing!

Stop looking so adorable!

Elliott: I can't help it. I was born this way.

Cody: *pant pant*

Cecily: My son may have a few screws loose, but I love him.

Billy: Hi Cody! Still acting like a dog, I see!

Cody: I'm not acting! I am a dog!

Old people with their grandbabies are the best.

Cody's off to work! He got promoted today!

Angie: Elliott! You've learned to talk!

Elliott: And I can potty, too!

Cecily: Oh!

Cecily: Stop breaking!

Cecily: Fixed :)

I'm sending Cecily to buy the bookstore for 20,000 simoleons! Then all profits will come to the Wilde family!

Brooke is here! And she's pregnant again!

Brooke: I was trying to sit here! Let the pregnant lady sit down!

Brooke: Baby!

That woman behind Brooke is Jess Broke. She's gorgeous!

Cecily: How are things going for you, Brooke?

Cecily: Is Gayle doing okay in school?

Brooke: We're all doing wonderfully! Gayle is a smart girl! And Juan is learning to walk!

Brooke: And I'm running for mayor this year!

Seems like Brooke is living a fulfilling life! Meanwhile, Fern started dating Hal Breckenridge 😬 Find a young man to marry and have babies with, Fern!

Cecily: See you around, Brooky!

Brooke: Bye Mom!

Meanwhile, Valerie Lobos and Janette Vicks are arguing.

Janette: Someone should teach you some manners! Haven't you ever heard of respecting your elders?

I follow Cecily home and...

Billy! What are you doing?!

Billy: I'm having a bath! What's it look like I'm doing?

Your grandchildren are present!

Billy: Do you want me to stink?

There is no reason why you couldn't have jumped into the shower!

Ancha: Cecily! You're home!

Cody: My dog never greets me like that.

Cody: Seeing my son makes everything better.

Elliott: Hungry! Hungry! Hungry!

Elliott: Yummy!

Another brilliant painting created and sold!

Billy: So, who's going to do the dishes tonight?

Billy: I mean, it can't be me. I'm way too busy with my painting and things. So busy...

Cecily: I'm already on it.

Billy: Thanks, dear!

Ancha decides he's gonna sleep in Cecily and Billy's room this night. And that's the end of this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Next time: Elliott and Emery become children! And I have Love Day all planned out for when it comes! Share your thoughts and comments on this chapter, I love hearing them! See ya!

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